Location:Sport Vlaanderen Herentals, Hofstade and Blankenberge
Client:Sport Vlaanderen
Number of attendees:5,000 (divided over three events)

Commissioned by Sport Vlaanderen and in collaboration with VRT, Conrad Consulting organised three large-scale mass events. Sixty schools competed against each other at the three events to win a trip to the Olympic Games. Each school had to complete four mass assignments as well as possible and score as many points as possible. The school with the most points won the main prize. Each event was concluded with a performance by De Ketnetband.

The assignments had to link to Olympic disciplines and sports federations within Sport Vlaanderen. In collaboration with the client and VRT, the assignments were developed in such a way that additional explanation could be linked to them for the VRT TV programme "Plankgas naar de spelen". We took care of the elaboration of the assignments, regulations, branding, development of all communication material, logistics, script, safety plan, etc. of the three events.

VIPSCHOOL-2024 was part of a TV program of VRT under the name: Plankgas naar de spelen. The program was broadcasted in June on VRT and had 4 episodes. In July it was broadcast again on Ketnet.

Past three events:

ZAS Winterfeest

Trefdag Vlaanderen Digitaal 2024

Kaneka Belgium